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Česko (German: Tschechien), official Česká Republika (German: Tschechische Republik), comprises tradionally the historical countries Bohemia (German: Böhmen), Moravia (German: Mähren), and Czech Silesia (German: Tschechisch-Schlesien), it was foundet January 1, 1993.

In extracts from the website "Sudetenland" (see below*) and Wikipedia **:

Already in the year 845 the close connection between the Bohemian nobility and Germany started, when according to the annals of Fulda "Fuldaer Annalen" 14 Bohemian tribe chieftains have been baptized in Regensburg (on the Danube). Thus they could catch up with the western religious and cultural sphere.

The German colonization in Bohemia started mid of the 13th century with enormous vehemence, contemporaneously with the accession to power of Ottokar II (King of Bohemia in 1253). As social movement it have been in progress in that time already two generations before. In the total peripheral zone of Bohemia - not or sparsely populated before - land was reclaimed by German colonists. In contrast to this the old settlement region of the Bohemian-Moravian basin remained Czech, except for some German linguistic enclaves.

On the basis of the contract of inheritance between the Habsburgs and Jagiellions in 1515 Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia came to Habsburg under Ferdinand I. (Remark: King of Bohemia and Hungary 1526, Roman king in 1531. Emperior in 1558).

The countries of the Bohemian crown were an inherent part of the empire from the early Middle Ages until the end of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" in 1806. On the Congress of Vienna (October 1, 1814 - June 9, 1815) as outermost borderline the borders of the "Deutschen Bund" (German Federation, cancelled in 1806) were selected. Therfore Bohemia, Moravia and Austrian-Silesia have belonged to the "Deutschen Bund". The Italian countries of the Habsburgs and the countries of the Hungarian all part of the empire, however, were situated outside of the border of the alliance's border.

After the Prussian defeat of Austria the conversion of Austria to the "Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie" (Monarchy Austria-Hungary) was implemented under constitutional law in 1867.

A National Assembly was formed in Prague on October 1918 which proclaimed the independant Czechoslovakian state and which took over the governance over the total territory of the crown lands. With exception of the period 1938-1945 Czechoslovakia existed til 1993.

The current Česká Republika (Czechia) was founded on January 1, 1993, and comprises the historical countries Bohemia, Moravia, and Czech Silesia.


* Help for Ancestor Research within the Sudetenland (former German speaking part of Czechia)(German only)
** Czech Republic in Wikipedia (free encyclopedia in more than 100 languages)
Dynamic Map of Czechia